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石斛私塾学堂 2024-04-23 文章编号:0 0


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Huaxian Iron-Clad Dendrobium: A Precious Plant in Huaxian County


Huaxian County, located in the central part of Shaanxi Province, China, is known for producing many valuable medicinal herbs. Among them, the iron-clad dendrobium or "tiepi shihu" (铁皮石斛) is particularly famous. The iron-clad dendrobium is a type of epiphytic orchid that grows on trees in the mountains. It has a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine and is highly valued for its therapeutic properties.

The Characteristics of Iron-Clad Dendrobium

The iron-clad dendrobium has distinct characteristics that set it apart from other dendrobium species. First, its stems are strong and rigid, hence the name "tiepi" or iron-clad. Second, it has fleshy leaves that are oval or oblong in shape. Third, the flower of the iron-clad dendrobium is creamy white with a yellow center, and it blooms between April and June. Fourth, it grows in high-altitude areas of the mountains, usually in rocky crevices or on tree trunks.

Health Benefits of Iron-Clad Dendrobium

The iron-clad dendrobium is a prized herb in traditional Chinese medicine, used to treat various ailments. It is believed to nourish the yin and tonify the kidney, liver, and lung meridians. Some of the health benefits associated with iron-clad dendrobium are:

Enhancing immunity and protecting against infections.

Relieving fatigue and improving physical endurance.

Promoting digestion and relieving constipation.

Reducing inflammation and pain in joints and muscles.

Improving vision and protecting against eye diseases.

Methods of Consumption

The iron-clad dendrobium can be consumed in many forms, such as soup, tea, or desserts. One popular way to prepare it is to simmer it with other herbs and ingredients to make a nourishing soup. Some recipes call for adding chicken or pork to the soup to enhance its flavor and nutritional value. Another way to consume iron-clad dendrobium is to brew it with boiling water to make a tea. This is a simple and effective way to enjoy the health benefits of this herb. Iron-clad dendrobium is also used in desserts, such as jelly or pudding, for its unique texture and taste.

The Future of Iron-Clad Dendrobium

Despite its long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine, the iron-clad dendrobium faces threats from overharvesting and habitat loss. The demand for this herb has increased in recent years, leading to a decrease in population size and genetic diversity. To address this issue, Huaxian County has implemented measures to protect the iron-clad dendrobium, such as prohibiting unauthorized harvesting and promoting sustainable cultivation. With these efforts, it is hoped that the iron-clad dendrobium will continue to thrive and benefit generations to come.


The iron-clad dendrobium is a unique and valuable plant that holds great importance in traditional Chinese medicine. Its medicinal properties and cultural significance make it a precious resource for the people of Huaxian County and beyond. As we appreciate the health benefits of this herb, we must also recognize the importance of preserving its habitats and promoting sustainable cultivation to ensure its long-term survival.



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