首页 » 石斛的功效与作用 » 知了石斛汤做法(知了石斛汤的家常做法,简单易学!)


石斛私塾学堂 2024-04-29 文章编号:0 0


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What is 知了石斛汤?

知了石斛汤 is a traditional Chinese soup made using a combination of the Chinese herb 知了 (zhī liǎo) and dried silk tree bark.

The soup is known for its healing properties and is commonly consumed during hot summer months to help the body stay cool.

Ingredients for 知了石斛汤

Ingredients for this soup are easy to find and readily available in most Chinese grocery stores. Here’s what you’ll need for this recipe:

7 grams of 知了 (zhī liǎo)

15 grams of dried silk tree bark

1000 ml of water

Rock sugar to taste


Here’s how to make 知了石斛汤 at home:

Soak the 知了 herb in water for about 15 minutes or until it has softened.

In a separate pot, fill with water and bring to a boil.

Once the water has boiled, reduce the heat to medium and add the 知了 and dried silk tree bark to the pot.

Simmer for 30 minutes until the herbs are fully cooked.

Add rock sugar to taste, stirring until dissolved.

Remove from heat and strain the soup into a serving bowl.

The 知了石斛汤 is now ready to be served! Serve while still hot for best results.

Health Benefits

知了石斛汤 is known for its many health benefits, particularly its cooling effect on the body. This traditional Chinese soup is particularly popular during the hot summer months when people are looking to cool down and stay hydrated.


知了石斛汤 is also said to help improve digestion, ease coughing, and reduce inflammation.

The soup is believed to help improve overall health and wellbeing, and has been used in Traditional Chinese medicine for many years.


知了石斛汤 is a delicious and refreshing soup that’s easy to make at home. This traditional Chinese soup is perfect for hot summer months, and is believed to have many health benefits that can help keep you feeling healthy and refreshed.

If you’re interested in trying this soup for yourself, be sure to pick up the necessary ingredients at your local Chinese grocery store. With just a few simple steps, you’ll have a traditional and healthy soup that’s perfect for any time of year!


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